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Community Programming

We deepen connections between parks and people through thoughtful and intentional community programs.

We believe parks should be inclusive and democratic spaces where community members feel a sense of ownership and belonging. We connect nature and neighborhood through Friends of Olmsted Parks neighborhood groups, hands-on volunteer projects, family friendly events and partnerships with other organizations activating the Olmsted Parks.


Upcoming Events


Car Free Cherokee

On the last Sunday of each month, we close Cherokee Park to traffic so park …

Cherokee Park

Park Steward Training

Olmsted Parks Conservancy Park Stewards serve as official ambassadors and play an integral role in helping our organization enhance, restore and protect our 17 Olmsted Parks and 6 Parkways. With duties ranging from helping to remove invasive plants in designated park areas, leading volunteer groups, or managing a booth at community events, there’s an opportunity for every interest and skillset. On average, our Park Stewards volunteer four hours monthly. Through our Park Steward training program, you’ll attend a series of virtual lectures and hikes to learn more about Park History, Horticultural Techniques, Plant Identification, and Woodlands Management, all while meeting amazing new people and getting the opportunity to exercise ownership over these greenspaces you care about.

Cherokee Park

Wildflower Photography with Jon Cherry

This outdoor photography workshop showcases Wildflower Woods, where Olmsted Parks Conservancy has worked for decades …

Cherokee Park

2025 Spring Membership Drive

When you donate during the Spring Membership Drive April 21-27, you are entered for a chance to win a *Churchill Downs Superfecta Package, including use of a Private Jockey Club Suite with 24 admission tickets and racing programs! Dates are based on availability and exclude major holidays and racing events. 

Breakfast for the Olmsted Parks

Breakfast for the Olmsted Parks Registration Please register yourself first, and then add as many …

Free Play offers kids healthy opportunities to explore the natural world.

By way of loose parts, like hay bales, lumber, cardboard boxes, foam swim noodles, ropes, and chalk, free play empowers children to solve problems through self-guided play; instills self-confidence and social skills; teaches risk assessment and risk-taking; and fosters creativity and imagination.

Play is a critical part of a child’s life, for good reason. It supports healthy physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development. Free play encourages problem solving, builds imagination, and exploration of the world around them. It teaches children about healthy risk and teamwork.

Events help us raise awareness of Olmsted Parks Conservancy, generate new memberships to raise funds for important initiatives in our Olmsted Parks, and provide important programming for the communities we serve.


Your donation improves our Olmsted Park system.

Support Olmsted Parks