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Free Walking Tour – Iroquois Park | The Gift and Curse Of Beauty

Join Certified Tour Guide and Park Steward Denise Davis on a moderate hike through Iroquois Park in this free walking tour, “Iroquois Park as Muse: The Gift and Curse of Beauty”.

Featuring an extended walk on a natural trail up to the recently renovated North Overlook, this tour offers an opportunity to enter into a landscape that has inspired artists. Hear about the origins of the golf course, see for yourself the most significant overlook in Louisville, and learn what it takes to restore, enhance and forever protect such magnificence in our midst.

This is a 90-minute easy walk on paved path over 1.5 miles.

Dress for warm weather, wear comfortable walking shoes, bring a water bottle and meet 5-10 minutes prior to tour start. Feel free to bring a walking stick. Leashed dogs and children accompanied by an adult are welcome. Please note there are no bathroom facilities available on this tour.

Iroquois Park

2120 Rundill Rd, Louisville, KY 40214

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Park Steward Training

Olmsted Parks Conservancy Park Stewards serve as official ambassadors and play an integral role in helping our organization enhance, restore and protect our 17 Olmsted Parks and 6 Parkways. With duties ranging from helping to remove invasive plants in designated park areas, leading volunteer groups, or managing a booth at community events, there’s an opportunity for every interest and skillset. On average, our Park Stewards volunteer four hours monthly. Through our Park Steward training program, you’ll attend a series of virtual lectures and hikes to learn more about Park History, Horticultural Techniques, Plant Identification, and Woodlands Management, all while meeting amazing new people and getting the opportunity to exercise ownership over these greenspaces you care about.

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