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Kick-Off the October Challenge with Jimmy Hallyburton & Pedal Power

Thursday, October 7 at 6 pm EST

Jimmy is an avid cyclist in Boise, Idaho and presented a TED Talk where he shared his vision for a more connected community. On a bicycle, destinations become journeys in which you connect to and are influenced by the surrounding environment. For some people, riding a bicycle is a choice, for others it is their only transportation option; regardless, the goal is to connect you to something or somewhere. What you don’t expect, are the connections in between.

After fighting wildfires on a Forest Service Hotshot crew for 4 years, while simultaneously earning a Mass Communications Degree at Boise State University, Jimmy created a nonprofit called the Boise Bicycle Project (BBP) in 2007. BBP distributes bicycles to families in need and provides various resources to incoming refugees, incarcerated individuals, and families experiencing homelessness.

Join us on October 7 at 6 pm for this virtual event to hear more from Jimmy Hallyburton and the Speed of Discovery. He’ll be joined by Pedal Power, a local non-profit working to get bikes in the hands of refugees.

This event will be available via Zoom and Facebook Live.

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