Volunteer Event: MLK Day of Service

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: ‘What are you doing for others?'” – Martin Luther King, Jr.
This Martin Luther King Jr. Day, channel Dr. King’s teachings into a day of service back to our community in Chickasaw Park.
Designed exclusively for African Americans during a dark time of racial segregation, Chickasaw Park provided some of the only improved outdoor facilities accessible to the black community from 1930 – 1954. Consisting of 63-acres, this park made up nearly HALF the park land accessible to African Americans for almost two decades.
Thanks to neighbors and local councils who advocated for amenities at the time of the parks’ creation, the park was filled with gathering spaces for family gatherings, walking paths, and amenities like clay tennis courts and bandstands to accommodate residents’ growing love of the sport. In addition, the Olmsted Firm designed breathtaking landscapes for this historic greenspace—like the park’s iconic pond—that rivaled the whites-only parks at the time.
In the words of Dr. King, “the time is always right to do the right thing.” The parks were re-integrated in 1954, and legislation was passed to give African Americans the right to use all of the city’s parks.
Today, Chickasaw Park today remains a vital asset to the Chickasaw neighborhood and West Louisville community. You can help answer Dr. King’s question, “What are you doing for others”? by donating your time and talent to maintaining this treasured and historic park on January 20 from 1 – 3PM.
Projects might include landscaping, clearing out invasive plants, planting new trees and riverbank cleanup. Please dress for the weather with appropriate footwear. Tools, gloves and refreshments will be provided.
Chickasaw Park
1200 Southwestern Pkwy, Louisville, KY 40211