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Stansbury Park

2302 S 3rd St, Louisville, KY 40208
6 am - 11 pm
Facility Reservations

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The Future of Stansbury Park

Recent public meetings have sparked a lot of conversation about the future of Stansbury Park. …

2023-2033 Strategic Plan

When you make a donation to Olmsted Parks Conservancy, what does your gift support? Most …

History of Stansbury Park

This neighborhood park was originally known as Third Street Triangle. In 1985, the name was changed to honor the memory of deceased former Louisville Mayor William B. Stansbury. The park is one of two Olmsted designed parks that have been adjacent to the University of Louisville campus. The other park, Churchill Park, was lost to development in 2018.

Our History

Friends of Olmsted Parks

Through collaboration and communicating about program and project needs, Friends of Olmsted Parks will help us improve and activate our parks, creating a positive community impact.

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Master Plan

The 2007 Master Plan, sponsored by the University of Louisville, will re-establish the original design intent of the Olmsted Brothers firm as well as address 21st century needs of the people that engage and encounter the spaces created within and surrounding Stansbury Park.

Master Plan