Request for Qualifications – Due February 5, 2024
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Olmsted Parks Conservancy (OPC) and Louisville Parks and Recreation (LPR) are soliciting request for qualifications (RFQ) from professional natural surface trail building organizations for a natural surface trail implementation project in Cherokee Park.
In 2019, OPC and LPR hired a consultant team to create a natural surface trail plan that included recommended trail concepts for hiking, running, and cycling in Cherokee Park, a heavily used Olmsted park. The plan was guided by the following four principles: environmental sustainability, social sustainability, economic sustainability, and historic integrity. The overarching goal of the plan is to provide a sustainable park trail system that will carry forward Olmsted’s historic vision of equitable use in the natural areas for all park visitors.
In early 2022, OPC/LPR hired a professional trail builder to build new hiking only and multi-use trail as well as restore some existing multi-use trail. An effort was placed on proper trail alignment and construction to reduce erosion and user conflict issues as much as possible. The work has been successful and received well by park users but much more is required. The current trail layout in Cherokee consists of approximately 7 miles of multi-use trail. However, there are many rogue trail segments that need to be decommissioned.
The selected trail building team shall have experience mitigating tree root exposure on existing trails, preventing tree root exposure on new trails, building mountain bike specific trail features, and overall sustainable trail design.
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